How to create Best selling gigs on fiverr

We are going to start with ''How to Create the best selling gigs on fiverr'' for those of us who are involved in fiverr and other freelancing business. Before we move to today's business, Patrimonio is the name and please endeavour to use the comment box for questions If you are in need of answers to questions regarding fiverr. 

  If you don't have good gigs  i mean if your presentation is poor, you may not sell anything. Am not talking about English or anything for now
I know the question that comes to your mind is, what if I have no experience about any niche/vocation?

‬: Formal education has nothing to do with making money on fiverr. You just need to be Creative and know the keywords to write. First Thing I will talk about here is your Gigs Titles
You don't need too long title, though the maximum is 80 characters but you can use just 50 and people will understand what you mean.

 Okay, check this; "I will be your virtual Assistant for data entry work". That one is not even up to 50 but it is not okay enough as many buyer will ignore it and go to someone that say something unique.
 Though people who used that same title have already sold over 1k. But do something different. Check this: *"I Will Be Your Professional virtual Assistant For Any Data Entry Work".* There are two different there. The first is Professional, and the second is the capital letter I used in starting any word. This make you looks professional.

The Third one is Tags*

Tags is very important. Your tags is what determine how you will sell. Many people makes this mistake. If you are offering social media service don't go and enter graphics tags. This is very important because this is what people are searching for to get you. Like if you type make money online on google search that it will bring some site to you, any site that you see there, this means they have the keywords you are searching for on google search. The gigs i asked you to save the other time, go and check it and see the keywords that these people use, i mean the Tags. You will now copy it, don't worry you can copy the tags. Is not like description.

when you finished the tags and click continue the next thing is price. This is what confused many people who registered fiverr some years back that they can't do anything on fiverr today again. The picture i attached will explain to you better. You will see three different things to do there. the basic, the standard and the premium. so, see the picture bellow and you will understand. better. If you don't understand, you can comment and i will tell you more about it
 *The Next one is Descriptions.*

Lets people understand your gig from your first paragraph. If you are saying something on your title and you are saying another thing on description your targeted buyers will just leave your gig and find another seller. The gigs you saved the other time. copy the descriptions to your notpad or word document and edit it line by line. Make sure that is different totally as that can caused your gig to be suspended or even your account to be limit.
*Still on how to Create the best selling gigs.*

We have talked about Title, Categories, Tags, Price and Description. Now, we want to talk about Fiverr new FAQ. Is not up to 2 years that fiverr introduced this. This will help you more and more as you cannot write more than 1200 characters on your description box, But with this, you will be able to add anything you want to add So, this will really help you to answer some questions that buyers may want to ask. this will even reduce the time you spend, because many buyer will ask alot of questions before they order your gigs. They want to be sure of what they will get in ordering your service. So, you will need to look as a professional to answer all their questions.
*You don't understand this?*

Let me give you an example. After adding the descriptions you will see FAQ at the bottom of that description box. Let say you promised 2000 human traffic. Buyer maybe thinking on what they will get from your service and there is no space to explain all on description. You can now say;

"How can this service help my business?" (question)
"This service will increase visitor in your site and will
increase your popularity. My unique service will make
many customers find what you offer and it will increase
your sales or your site traffic and also make people find
you on google without stress"

You can add up to 3 questions though, it can more than that. Hope you understand? You should understand because i gave you enough example. Lets go to the next.
*The next is Gallery. which is also the last
This maybe *photo or video.* You need the two to make more sales. But the first one you need that is very important is Image. You can do without the video but you can't do without image. You can use the paint on your system to create this or you download picpick on google and make use of it. Don't just copy the image on google and use it because you don't know if someone has use that image before and is against fiverr terms and condition to use the image that another person has used. It can result on account banned. 

The next and the last one is video. I will not talk much about this. You will need some software to do this. or you ask someone on fiverr to create the video for you. *Already, i have on hyou may find people that will do 2 video for $5 on fiver or ask a felow on here to help you out. Hope you understand? Once you upload it, click save, click publish and you can share your gigs on your social media. It will be an advantage to have enough of people on your social media. I mean the active one. Not some that will buy twitter followers, these followers are not active. It take years to build twitter account with alot of work. Even you may not have too much tweet, but always be online and reply tweet to people, this will make alot of people follow you.
Making $100 weekly on fiverr will not be the problem if you know what you are doing. Yes! You can even make $100 in a single day. so, dont be surprised if i say 100$ weekly. i knew some Nigerian guys that are making over $4000 monthly on fiverr. So, tell me, is $100 weekly a big deal for them? But success don't come over night. Success come as a result of what you do If you are doing things right you will make alot of money on fiverr. The first thing to do to achieve this result is to start the service that people are ready to pay any amount for. Yes! Lets take Photoshop as an example. what can you use this powerful software for? You can use it to create logo, ebook cover and to edit photo. There are other things. Those are the things i can use it for. I didn't learn this software from any body.The internet is the best place to learn new skills. I learnt many skills What you will do is; Get adobe photoshop and install it on your system. the one i will recommend is cs4 or cs5 is easy to use than 6and 7. Get data. Go to Youtube and download photoshop tutorials on logo, eBook and photo. You will use that data to download alot. Watch it very well. You can watch it for good two weeks and practice on your system. after that. Go and open fiverr account and create 6gigs. two gigs on each of the work. logo, photo and eCover.*

I will advice you set your delivery day to 24hours in the beginning with this,  people will be happy to use your service. You dont need more than 10-20minutes to finish each of these service. You can be getting 3-5orders in a single day even in your Level 0 account if you know how to make use of buyer request very well.


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